Why is my car AC blowing hot air

Why is my car AC blowing hot air? It can be due to low refrigerant level, bad compressor, condenser, cooling fan motor, cooling fan blades, or bad cooling fan switch. It’s better to consult an expert mechanic for complete diagnosis and repair. This article is a brief guide where we

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Car overheats when ac is on

There can be 8 different reasons for why your car overheats when ac is on. These include a faulty cooling fan, its motor, or switch. This can also happen due to a faulty air conditioning AC compressor or condenser. Car engines can also overheat due to a faulty engine coolant

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How to make AC colder in car

The car air conditioning system is the only thing you have to keep the car cabinet cool during a hot summer day drive.  If your car air conditioning system is not working as per your expectation. And you are wondering about how to make AC colder in car. Then this article

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